Guangzhou Yimao Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
Guangzhou Yimao Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
Guangzhou Yimao Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
Guangzhou Yimao Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
Guangzhou Yimao Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

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Inmoul Vission&Mission

The World's Largest Projector Lamp Specialist

Inmoul aims to manufacture stable, eco-friendly, and exceptional quality projector lamps to reduce the machine purchasing and expand the business at the same time. In order to bring excellent projector viewing experiences, we use premium original bulbs such as PHILIPS, OSRAM, USHIO, and PHOENIX, to develop various products for different worldwide clients' needs. Moreover, Inmoul not only focuses on business but also pays attention to save our planet. We manage the contamination control, recycling, and production waste so we can truly take responsibility for our planet. 

4 Leading Bulb
76 Target Countries
140++ Employees
2 Business Units